Sunday, September 27, 2009

Moray odeeyae?

I can't believe I haven't updated in two months...but time ran away from me. A lot has changed since then, so maybe a bullet point update would be best.
  • I got a job au pairing in Tokyo. Sounds like a great deal and is definitely a perfect way for me to introduce myself to the city and figure out exactly what I want to do there and how I will do it. It's a single dad with 3 sons ages 6, 8, and 14. He has already been really awesome about talking to me about finding a teaching job and other options that I have there. He owns an art gallery and mainly needs help with organizing things.
  • I have never had issues with leaving anywhere in my life and have never really cried because I was leaving a place, but I cannot stop crying when I think about leaving here. I feel like so much happened in one year and for me it was an intense experience. Honestly, the tears are a mixture of sadness, happiness, relief, and disbelief. It feels like a release of everything negative that I didn't let myself process just turning into liquid and coming out of my eyes.
  • I got two new co workers that are great. I wish they would have come to Korea sooner so I could get to know them better.
  • One of my students taught me a really cool new phrase. We were talking about nicknames and hers had something to do with food. She said that she had a beggar in her stomach meaning she ate a lot, like her stomach was always begging for food. I LOVED it and still do. So now when I'm hungry all day (which is often) I say my stomach is a beggar. For some reason, I am wildly amused by this.
  • This is my LAST SUNDAY in Cheonan.
  • I'm really thankful for the people that I had in my life this past year. While my boss made some things difficult, my friends made life fun. I learned so much, grew, and worked through a lot with them. More than I probably know.
My next entry will probably be from Tokyo. This life is crazy, it takes you places you would never predict. I love it.