Monday, May 2, 2011

Irwin inspiration

When I was eighth grade I wanted to be a herpetologist. That is also known as a zoologist specializing in reptiles. Around this time I discovered the amazing Steve Irwin. Never had I seen a man SO passionate about what he did that he wanted the entire world to learn more about it and would risk his life for his passion. I thought it was beautiful and I was only 13.
I think that was one of my first encounters with passion. Beautiful passion. The kind of passion that is infectious and pure. I think passion is difficult for others to understand. I remember people saying that Irwin was crazy, illogical, ridiculous, and even that he put his children in danger for his passion. But...Irwin never saw it that way. I really admired that. I'm not sure he ever went a day without doing what he absolutely loved. Do I do that? More importantly, do I know what I love? Or, have I allowed the pressures of what I "should" be doing shape my life? I'm not sure.
When I first started dating Omar, I would get angry, sad, whatever emotion and tell him I didn't know why I was angry, sad, or whatever emotion. He would always say back that I did know and I needed to tell him. Turns out he was right and I did always know but I guess I just didn't want to think about it. I think following my passion is the same. Of course I know what I love and what makes me feel alive, I just probably don't want to think about and perceive it easier to just go along with what is expected of me. Even though...I could probably follow my passion AND do what is expected of me.
I don't want to give into pressures anymore. I want to live everyday with passion and doing what I love. I want to feel alive. Alive meaning the way you feel when you know you are doing what you were meant for in that moment and contributing to the world. The best feeling.
Really though, I think getting there takes more than a day. But everyday is closer!