Sunday, September 28, 2008

First Day in Korea!

First full day in Korea!! Last night was a little sad because I don’t have internet where I’m staying and will not have internet until Friday or a little later. It was just very obvious I wasn’t at home and couldn’t communicate with anyone from home either.
The flight here was way too long and I watched at least 3 movies. Eventually, I got sick of movies because I don’t normally watch them and every movie had the same ending: the guy (no matter how much of an asshole) gets the perfect girl and they are in complete love and live happily ever after. My right butt cheek fell asleep and I had no idea how to wake it up without walking around. Unfortunately, it didn’t fall asleep and start cramping until descent so I was stuck wiggling around in my seat putting my legs in awkward positions up against the window to try and get it to feel better. Then, we drove 2 ½ hours to get to my city but I learned some interesting things. One of them being that if I do any illegal drugs in Korea I get deported but if I want, I can go to Thailand and it’s okay. Good to know.
So far, the only lonely part has been sleeping. Anyone that knows me well knows I like to talk before I fall asleep, but there’s definitely no one for that sort of thing here just yet. I don’t move into my apartment until Friday, so for now I’m staying with my boss. Falling asleep made me miss everyone back in the states and maybe one person especially much.
Time to observe class and see what I’ll be doing here for a year! I hope to talk to people back home VERY soon…if they would be online when I was!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sorry you're lonely, babe!! I've gone through that ... last summer actually, I feel your pain!! Prayin for you, def!! Love the blog!!! Thanks for keepin us up-to-date!!