Sunday, September 21, 2008

I live.

I honestly have no idea what to write. I started a blog because I thought it would be a great way to keep everyone I love up to date on my life as I replant myself in South Korea for a year. Just a year. I never thought a year sounded like very long, but it turns out saying goodbye to people you love--even if only for a year--can be really painful. I move on Saturday the 27, and am excited to get this adventure started as many other people are starting their post college adventures. Maybe when I get back I'll get into corporate America and rock it to its core, but for now I have to settle for learning how to live in Korea.
Going away and learning how to take care of myself in a country I've never been to will be an experience to remember. Even now I can't even begin to predict how anything will come about. Guess I'll just have to wait and see and take everything one day at a time.


Sweetgoof said...

Ashly, this might sound "cheesy" but I am very proud of you. You are what I wish I could have been at one point in my life. We (the family) have been so very bleesed to have you in our lives. You are a very brave worldly woman. If you do not go and travel and see the world, one day you could regret it. It is better to say that you did see the world, not I wish I could have seen the world. Just like myself, I can say " I am glad I spent time with my boyz and have a dirty home" then "Gee, I am glas my home was spotless!" You are awesome and you rock...I cant wait to read your blogs. PS: Lets do a quick coffee before you leave. xo, DeAnna

Jon Marc said...

Yay South Korea! Where will you be? I have a cousin and a friend there - the former in Busan and the latter in Seoul. Good luck with the move!