Wednesday, November 19, 2008

I blame everything on a hot dog

I blame all of my current symptoms on a hot dog. And the only reason this is okay is because I am sick. When I’m sick, I can pretty much make any ridiculous claim I want and it’s okay. And why am I sick? Because of a hot dog.
A few of my friends here came down with this terrible flu-like coldish sort of sickness that was lingering on into forever and I hope that I would not catch it. I took vitamins, but when I skipped a day I started coming down with something. I hate forgetting. So…I pretty much ate only vegetables the entire day and felt amazingly better. The next day, I forgot my carrots at home and got a hot dog from Buy the Way (a convenience store) thinking that the protein would do me good. I forgot that it really wasn’t protein I was eating, it was chemicals and nitrates and whatever else they put in convenience store hot dogs from Denmark. It said it was from Denmark anyways. From then on it was all downhill. I felt like CRAP the rest of the night. I blame it on the hot dog.
In happier news, I discovered the beauty that is the Neti pot and fully appreciate floor heating.
Thanksgiving is in a week and I really cannot believe it. I’m pretty sure I will not be having a Thanksgiving like any other year. In fact, I will be giving monthly tests all day until 9:05 pm and then I’m pretty sure I’m not going to try and cook something huge for myself that late. So…maybe a weekend Thanksgiving. Or no Thanksgiving. Kind of a shame seeing as Thanksgiving is one of my fave holidays because I can eat all the foods I really really like and the day after Thanksgiving ALWAYS feels like the holidays. I’m not going to complain though, it will be an entirely new experience, and I think I may try and trek to the Buddha to observe Thanksgiving in my own way. It should be a good time.
One of my students told me they hated me and I said, “hahah, wow!” and they were shocked at my response. To be honest, I was just impressed that they knew the word hate. This class is also known for being a class of douches. I would be happy to stop being their teacher, but I have to look beyond their terrible behavior and pretend I’m doing SOME good in their lives.

1 comment:

Jon Marc said...

Maybe everyone should go to Buddha on Thanksgiving - he might help them centre themselves a bit better than they are ;-).

We're doing US Thanksgiving here, but with a huge group of my mum's coworkers at some Armenian or Ethiopian Muslim restaurant - kinda wish I could just go visit a Buddha instead :-).