Sunday, July 29, 2012

A day off to reflect

Sunday here means a day off and it's a great time to reflect. For the past couple of days I have just been experiencing and not really processing. I was able to write a friend of mine an email last night and found myself beginning to work through some things I have seen. It's very easy to see things and know things but it's so different to really understand what is happening and come to terms with reality. I think I am a little too good and pretending reality is what it isn't. Here is some of what I wrote my friend:

Before I came, I really didn't know how I was going to react to refugees, death, suffering, hunger...all that. In my county, and all the refugee camps we serve, there is no more food. The refugees coming in are hungrier and sicker than the first wave that came. This either means they couldn't come with the first wave and had to wait, or the fighting is intensifying where they are, they were forced to flee, and have been without food longer. There are lots of hard parts to this but I feel like I don't feel any of it. Until I get on facebook.
 I cannot deal with the endless facebook posts about ending animal suffering. I cannot. Every time I see a picture posted of a stupid pig who can't roll around in his metal cage because fat americans want fatter pigs with a caption about how horrible this is...I want to post a picture of a malnourished child who is going to die because his government decided they would systematically kill him and all his relatives because they're black. I don't care about the pig. I don't care if my food is organic. I don't care if my chicken has been grass fed. I care about people, human beings. Maybe I wouldn't mind these posts if I EVER saw the same people advocate on behalf of their own species, but I never see those posts. It really frustrates me.

I know they are ignorant, live in a different world, have different pressing needs in their life, etc. I just have a difficult time being in both worlds: the world where 120,000 refugees are fighting to stay alive and the world where the people of facebook are crying out on behalf of a pig. I think the pig might have a better deal than some of the people here. At least he gets fed.

I know the media is the only source of information (sadly) for people far away so I know the world has forgotten about Sudan. The conflict isn't over, though, and it's disgusting what has taken over news channels instead. It should be a sign when two runners from Sudan get to the Olympics and immediately request asylum. Maybe something is happening in Sudan? I don't know. I am starting to work through some things and finding it difficult to even go on facebook without getting worked up.

That is the bulk of what I wrote on my frustration. I have only been here a few days but it is long enough to realize the situation here is bad. It makes me wish people could turn their attention to real issues that are going on in the world instead of focusing on such small things. I know America is having a rough time right now and I understand the need for them to be focusing on domestic issues but I really do wish more attention would be paid to the abuse of humans. 

When I lived in America I never really tried to help homeless people. Maybe once or twice but not regularly. So regrettable. I don't want to waste my energy on thinking about suffering pigs when my own people are suffering and going hungry on the streets of my own nation!It is a bad sign for the world if we as people have already given up on each other. A pig, cow, chicken, whatever, cannot help us unite and prosper. It is so important that we take care of each other.

Other than my little mind trying to come to terms with my new reality, I am going to try making cookies today. We only have a fire to use for cooking but I got a recipe for no bake cookies that just need a fire for boiling, should be interesting! I also got to hold a chick today! It was soooo itty bitty and looked like it had hatched recently. So cute. Once I get a little more settled I think I will have tons of POSITIVE adventures to write about along with all the challenges. This blog needs some balance!


sfoxfire143 said...

A suffering human is worse than a suffering pig. I am so glad there are people like you that have the heart and motivation to help people in need. In America however, the motto is CONSUME. I am against this motto, especially consuming anything that has suffered for an ignorant person or that is sprayed with war chemicals and causes cancer to my children. Eating a chicken that I personally know or a vegetable I grew does unite me to the land and farmers, prospering both. Our realities are different, and yours is brutally and urgently pressing. I can't imagine what it would be like to be doing what you're doing, and I respect you for that. xoxo P.S. I'm glad you got to eat cookies!

Ashley.L.W. said...

Yeah, I realize the realities are different, mine and yours. It's more about figuring out how to separate them in my brain. It can be kind of difficult sometimes. I wouldn't want you or anyone to be eating chemically laced foods but I also can't be comparing my reality to yours. I'm still processing it all.

MelishaMurrayFitness said...

Oh Ashley that's just so sad. Thanks for sharing, I wish we could all spend a day in your shoes. I think spending some time there would help us all appreciate how good we have it.
I wanna see the chick and hear about some fire cookies.