Tuesday, September 30, 2008


I haven't been in Korea long enough to notice all the differences between Korea and America, but I have noticed some.
At gyms here, they provide the workout clothes. At the gym I'm going to join the girls get black with a red stripe down the sides and guys get black with a blue stripe down the side. I was a little weirded out by it at first, but I guess it's more convenient since all I have to bring is shoes and shower stuff...and I can even keep that in a locker. Nice.
When Koreans speak, it kind of sounds like they're whining. They end everything with "ehhhh" so even when they speak english, they turn it into konglish and words sound like: boxeh, exiteh, and so on. I kind of smirk everytime I hear it. Which may not be encouraging to my students....
Everyone here has the same color eyes (yes, I KNOW this is obvious, but I didn't really think about it until...) so when they saw my eyes were hazel, they were FASCINATED. In fact, some students looked at me and when they noticed my eyes, kind of jumped back with a shocked look on their face. Wow. Who knew I was so rare.
I never drink Nesquik in the states, but I kind of like it here.
I want to move into my own apartment.
Leave me some love.


HeatherR said...

lots of love for you.
you are a rare beauty indeed. use it to your advantage ;). work it gurrrrl. love the blog. hopefully you'll get all moved in soon and settled.

Jon Marc said...

"Love is a many splendored thing..." Koreans are one of my favorite peoples in the world. You love them, I love you. There you go, there's your lovin' ;-).

Have you eaten seaweed with noddles yet? One of my favorite things ever...