Saturday, October 4, 2008


I officially live in South Korea. The thing I hate the most about living in another country is when my body is adjusting, I get sick. Bleh. Someone here called it the newbie flu. It would be even worse if I didn’t have people here to help me—thank God I do!
I moved into my apartment Friday and got to go out that night to meet some other people who spoke English. There was only one other girl from America besides me and Abby that I can remember…everyone else is from the UK, Ireland, South Africa, Canada…places like that. It was so nice to be able to talk with people! Also, apparently bars here like to put on flare shows…which is just the Korean bar tenders twirling around liquor and setting the tops of it on fire and sometimes spitting fire. The spitting fire part is awesome. It was pretty cool but when the flare show is going on, they service no drinks. The irritating part about the bars here is they don’t really believe in good customer service. Sometimes you have to wait a long time to get your drink. Not okay. AND in the city I live in, Cheonan, I can’t go to clubs. Why? Well, because 20 or so years ago some GI shot a Korean outside of a club and now no foreigners can go to them without a Korean friend with them who will say they’re okay.
Speaking of GI’s…the best way to get American anything is to have military friends on bases in Korea…so anyone have any military friends they want me to be friends with? They have Taco Bell!!! Mexican food is in short supply here.
Also, I got asked if I was Russian for the first time since I've been here! While I usually would take that as a compliment, I had learned the previous night that if someone asks you if you're Russian, they are asking if you are a prostitute, so I wasn't so excited when I passed by a security guy here and he said, "Russia? Russia?" What a douche.

1 comment:

Shwalizabeth said...