Saturday, October 11, 2008

Dr. Fish

I had these cousins that my family and I would visit often when I was growing up. They had this pond sort of thing in their yard that they stocked with fish that they would also go swimming in. I remember really not liking this pond thing too much because there were huge fish all over the place and it kinda freaked me out that they could bite me. Even though I knew the fish bite wouldn’t hurt, just the idea of a fish biting me weirded me out. Yesterday I went downtown for the first time with two of my friends and right before coming back to our dong, we went to this coffee shop that they call Dr. Fish. You order coffee and for $2 more you can get your feet nibbled on by a tank of fish. I am not kidding you. They’re these tiny little fish, it looks like a tank of minnows, and they are supposed to eat all the dead skin off your feet. While I was kind of weirded out by it, I did it anyways. It was a seriously odd feeling and if you looked away it really did feel like tiny electrodes were going off on your feet. My feet felt smooth afterwards…but it was so odd getting chewed on by a fish for 15 minutes. I wonder what maggot therapy feels like.
I also cut my finger a bit on a toilet flusher chain last night. Yeah. Awesome me. You had to pull this chain super hard to get it to flush and my friend couldn’t get it so I pulled it and perhaps got a little too aggressive and there are two spots that drew a bit of blood…just like a drop, but who bleeds from flushing a toilet? It kind of grosses me out knowing how it happened. Actually, there are a few things about last night that make me shake my head and think, “Really?”
I miss people from home. And running in the suburbs.

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