Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Embarassing moments

Since I've been in Korea a lot of embarassing things have happened...but tonight I felt very, very foreign.
I was so hungry when I got done with work since all I ate the entire day was a small bowl of soup, more of a cup really. All I wanted to eat was these things called Mandu. I don't really know how to spell it, but they're like little dumpling filled with meat and vegetables and deep fried. Maybe not the healthiest thing ever but I have a soft spot for street food. My co worker had told me about this awesome pork cheese thing I should get, but I couldn't really find the place since I can't read Korean and wasn't really sure if I had found it or not. So instead I started wandering around my dong (that word always makes me giggle a bit but it just means area or neighborhood) and found a mandu place. I was so excited. I wanted seven. Yes, I knew that I wanted exactly seven. So I went up to the lady and put up fingers and she said something in Korean and I just nodded. I had no idea what she said. I wanted 7 and I had 7 fingers up....so can you mess that up? Yes, you can. In fact, apparently 7 fingers means, 'give me all the mandu that you have in that little basket there and then add like 5 more.' Yeah, 7 fingers says all that. I also had added stuff to the order and ended up with way more food than I could eat in one sitting. I Way more. And at the end when she was putting them in a bag I said, 'finished' after 7 and she said a lot of stuff in Korean, pretty much telling me I ordered way more. But...I don't know how it happened. Whatever. I have mandu for days now. I felt so bad though, I'm sure her and the other lady thought, 'this foreigner....why is she trying to order food when she doesn't know Korean?' The answer is, because I am hungry. That's why. When I was eating them I bit into this purpleish looking one and realized it was sundae. Sundae (or however you spell it) it pig intestines stuffed with noodles with sauce. It just grosses me out knowing it's pig intestines. I still ate almost the whole 4 inches of the deep fried poo pipe before I just couldn't anymore. And it was so salty I didn't really like the taste.
On the bright side, I just got done watching 'How I Met Your Mother' on Korean cable. It was a rerun, but it was great to watch American tv here.
My bad mandu experience has convinced me more than ever I need Korean lessons. I like experiencing the culture and the language is part of that. It really feels like it's hard to find lessons though, they are not just readily available everywhere which is really disappointing. I'm still not sure how I feel about Korea. I don't feel as if it is the most welcoming or open country but I also haven't gotten very much into learning more about Korea so far. So...we'll see what happens.


Jon Marc said...

OMG, your dong :-D?! That's it, I'm moving to Korea just so I can say that regularly ;-)!

My other friends in Seoul has been going salsa dancing a lot - you two should hook up, might be fun. Or not. Whatev' :-). (Crystal's blog has a link on mine.)

And agreed, intestines are gross...

Shwalizabeth said...

I don't think intestines are meant to be eaten. Something tells me they're only for use after you have eaten...I dunno...just sayin'...