Friday, October 24, 2008

This entry does NOT deserve a title.

I just got done watching The Pianist. Finally. I saw parts of it before I left the states when I was on the phone with someone and my dad was watching it in the living room because he couldn’t sleep. No one needed to know all those details. Anyways, watching it reminded me of my dad and I really missed him. Also, I miss him, not just missED him. I was making dinner tonight and realized I haven’t talked to my mom on the phone since I got here. It made me sad and I wanted to hug her…and I know she read this. So…mom and dad, I miss you. I honestly do.
Right now I’m listening to my latest addiction (‘I’m Yours’ by Jason Mraz) and I noticed that I am constantly paranoid that I’m bothering my neighbors. I can hear everything in their apartment, I’m sure they can hear me. I play music….whenever I am in my apartment and am always afraid it will be too loud at 2 am. Then I think that even if they complained, I would never know. I don’t answer my door due to constant knocking and ringing from over zealous religious folk or adverts and even if I DID answer and it was my neighbors to complain, I would have no idea what they were saying. I use commas too much. I always meant to look into when I was REALLY supposed to use commas but I never did. Now I teach English. Life is funny that way, always making you do things that have nothing to do with who you are. Then again, that could just be my life. I feel like this entry is kinda random and without a point.
I’m going to Seoul tomorrow. I really hope to do something very Ashley-like such as make friends with a stranger and learn something new from them that leads to a crazy realization that will then alter the course of the next few hours of decision making. I can only hope. I need a crazy realization to drive some decision making. I feel like I don’t have a clue what’s next. While that has an element of excitement…it also makes me feel like everyday just sort of exists without a purpose and that is not something I enjoy.
Things about Korea that make me happy: foreigners (I mean Westerners, Koreans are native not foreign here), beef, learning enough Korean to not be intimidated by a grocery store, children that give me food, Cass Red (but that could change).
Things about Korea that make me angry: my boss, kids that will not listen and force me to yell, not knowing enough Korean to talk to anyone I want, my dirty floors, the exchange rate.
Anyone know of any good books on the History of any country in existence? And….how to get paid to go to Grad school?

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