Monday, February 9, 2009

I love my mom and other things that comprise my life.

It is officially my mom’s birthday in Korea. Yay! Happy Birthday mom….there’s a letter on its way so be looking out! February is full of celebrating birthdays of those I love. There were four people born in February that I cannot imagine my life without, February is an important month it seems. Out of these four though, my mother is the most important. The woman that taught me I was the one who put the spice in life since she herself is a spicy woman, to not take the bullshit of life, what sacrifice for love is, and to stay kind. I am glad my mother was born. J
This past weekend was a good one: I moved into the apartment of my former co-worker which is 5 times better than my old apartment, I went to the same church for the second time and LOVED it, and I started the process of compiling a list of grad schools I am interested in, and I got my hair cut…among other things.
The haircut. A student went with me so I wouldn’t feel like they were on a mission to butcher my hair since I happen to know me sporting an Asian style would be a mess. I brought pictures and it was FANTASTIC. I got cake, juice, a shampoo/condition, shoulder/head massage, a paraffin dip/hand massage, blow dry, hair cut, and Korean lesson for 10,000 won!! Could not believe it. And the cut was a good one! I am a big fan of Korean salons. If I had a camera I would post pictures of my cut, but no camera so no pics.
Grad schools. I am definitely intimidated and have realized for now I need to study my ASS off for this GRE and pray my ASS off for wisdom on what to do next. Perhaps it’s not even the right time for me to be pursuing grad school but if that is the case I need to get an inclination of it soon. Timing is important.
Church. It’s a small church comprised of Koreans and native English speakers. Turns out to be a great mix for me to practice my Korean and still have people to form bonds with that speak English. I really love their service format because it’s so small, this enables it to be closer to a Bible study rather than a large service/lecture. I. Love. It.
Moving. It was a bit irritating moving since I JUST got the feeling of settled not one week before I was informed I would be moving. Thankfully, I upgraded so my irritation quickly turned to glee when I saw/felt my better floors, HOT WATER STREAMING FROM MY SHOWER HEAD, a shower head with purifying charcoal beads (Dear God, YES!), better kitchen table, microwave, way better stovetop, large refrigerator, more cupboards, a wine glass my co-worker left, better desk, great view since I’m 12 floors up, and better lighting (except for my burnt out kitchen light). I am happy. EXCEPT for the fact that my boss told me I was moving again in 3 or 4 months. I’m hoping time will be on my side when I try to convince him it would be easier to let me stay put until my contract is up. Moving is just irritating.
ANNNND I just found out a new American co worker will be here….TOMORROW. I love the advance notice of these things. I did know someone was coming but I didn’t know when. I’m excited, though! Now I can be a semi-veteran and show her things. It should be a good time, I haven’t really met anyone here yet that I don’t get along with, so let’s hope she’s not the first.

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