Sunday, January 25, 2009

My heart is still wrapped around this?

Reading about the crisis in Zimbabwe makes me realize how complicated Africa’s problems are. Although one may look at it from far away and think the issues can be easily resolved, there is too many ingrained thought patterns to give a simple solution and walk away. While the solution may be simple, implementation will most likely not be. To me it seems there is a prideful man set in his ways who refuses to give up his power when doing so would only improve his country rather than deprive it of his years of experience. I think those years of experience have only hardened him to what being in public service is really about…serving the public. Then again, maybe a power change wouldn’t do much either. It seems whenever someone new comes into power in Africa they start off with the best intentions and end up corrupt and power hungry. I do realize I am severely lacking when it comes to knowledge of Africa and I am trying to fix that, but I guess the little knowledge I do have makes me think that’s what the leaders are like. I would love to think there is something I can be a part of that is helping to resolve this, but I know the only thing I can do is pray. What really gets me is that because of leaders being unable to negotiate and solve their disputes, people are dying form starvation and cholera, the economy is collapsing, people live in fear since certain freedoms are not present, CHILDREN AREN’T BEING EDUCATED because it’s too expensive or teachers don’t teach because they aren’t being paid. What a way to ensure your country will become worse, cease to educate your children. This is why leaders are so important, they shape the way for people to go and when they deviate to focus on their own selfish, prideful, destructive ways they leave no path for anyone to follow and whatever they had built previously, collapses. Issues like this really anger me.
Happy New Year! Yes, it is Lunar New Year’s day. This year is the year of the bull…also MY YEAR. 1985 was also the year of the bull, so it’s my year and I’m excited for it. 2009 will be an interesting ride, that much I can guarantee. I’m looking into jobs in Dubai but feel that if I did go, it would have to be for less than a year. At some point I realize I need to start taking jobs that develop my career rather than my passport. At some point. J I’m beginning to see that I have a passion for making sure the interaction between business, politics and people is a healthy one. Hoping to start a career somewhere in that arena, I know there’s a need!
I have been re-reading ‘Eat, Pray, Love’ and stumbled upon a passage where she explains happiness through a yogic mindset. She says (loosely) that happiness is something that must be achieved and once it is, something that must be maintained. You cannot just expect happiness to come to you, you have to keep it as a part of your life. I think I understand what she means. I woke up 3 days ago very, very, very happy; realizing I had friends and family that loved me, was healthy, hardworking, intelligent, and had at least enough potential to ensure I could succeed somewhere…life is good. Even when people disappoint me, circumstances make life difficult, or decisions come back to haunt me, life is GOOD and there is a reason to smile. When I feel happiness slipping away I need to remind myself how much love surround my life, how much difference kind words to someone else can make, and how much more of this beautiful life I potentially have left. I have also been watching sermons online and am so thankful that they put them online. The series on prayer reminds me how important it is not only because Jesus says how powerful it is over and over again but because it provides balance to life. Absolutely key.

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