Sunday, March 1, 2009

This weekend had to be punishment for something I did

A new month. I always love new beginnings because I feel like they give us a fresh start. Who doesn’t love a fresh start? February turned to March for me while I was in Seoul…and it was an interesting turn.
I managed to accomplish the following things over the weekend: leave my wallet in a cab, see two prostitutes, see a SHOP of prostitutes, break my food processor, not talk to the one person I really wanted to, realize my speakers were broken, deal with some high maintenance issues, have broken conversations with cab drivers, take a nap at a spa, buy my first pair of pants in Korea, and have a Korean lesson. I’m sure there was more, but those are the things I remember.
First of all, I LEFT MY WALLET IN A CAB. I put that in caps because once it happened, it kind of took over my weekend. Good thing it happened on a Saturday night and not Friday though, because then it could have ruined the weekend. I’m happy it didn’t ruin my weekend. Once I realized it had happened (due to absent mindedness caused by irritation) I freaked out for 10 seconds before I thought that freaking out would get me nowhere. So I just kinda dealt with it, asked my dad to do me a huge favor by canceling my credit cards, reported the wallet in case it was turned in, did what I could, and forgot about it. I won’t lie and say I wasn’t bothered or it didn’t suck…but I didn’t really see what else I could do besides what was in my control. There were more details involved, but all in all it wasn’t that interesting of an experience, just irritating and not something I really ever wanted to experience.
A more interesting thing that happened is I saw my first prostitutes and then a ton more. I was walking around Itaewon in an area I knew was known for prostitutes, but I had never seen any there to my knowledge. Then, outside a club I see two women trying to pick a dude and they were very obviously Korean prostitutes. They were also outside a transgender club so I feel like this place kinda attracted some shady sexual practices. For some reason, I was really delighted that I finally saw my first two prostitutes. The next morning out cab driver was taking us to the train station when he pointed down the road to a building all lit up in pink with what I thought were manikins in the window. He made a drinking motion with his hand and pointed again, driving slower, and as I looked closer I saw that they were real women just sitting in the pink windows…it was basically a prostitute shop. I was disgusted.
My food processor broke, I think. That means no more homemade peanut butter. I don’t really know what happened, but it started smoking and smelled really bad. I wasn’t happy.
Only one of my speakers has sound coming out of it unless I play a Korean song that translates into “Gone Crazy”. No idea why.
Jjimjilbang’s are Korean bath houses or spas. They are awesome and I love them. One redeeming feature of a part of Seoul called Itaewon is that it has a 24 hour Jjimjilbang. It redeemed my weekend.
The pants I got in Korea are black, sparkly on the butt, and SUPER tight. I love them and was lunging all night Saturday to stretch them out. I also had a guy yell, “ey baby!” at me. I blame the pants and also wonder if “ey baby” is how they get women’s attention now. It’s not very effective. Another ineffective pick up tool is any line beginning with, “Do you think it’s weird that I…” If you have to ask, it probably IS weird and I will tell you.
Happy March. I’m very much hoping March turns out to be amazing and full of beautiful, wonderful events as opposed to frustrating, long evenings. I’ll be sure to do my best to make it good.

1 comment:

Jon Marc said...

I didn't know prostitution was legal in Korea :-/.