Thursday, May 7, 2009

I got sick and suddenly enjoyed being a teacher

It has definitely been far too long since I updated this….two months! A lot has happened but it’s hard to say everything especially since I usually forget what I did most weekends by the time Monday comes around. I was recently very sick and that was a really horrible experience. Not necessarily because I was sick, but because of how my boss reacted to it. Here’s an email I wrote to a friend about it (because it seems wasteful to write it out again): I started getting sick on Friday but thought nothing of it because I was just suddenly EXHAUSTED and wasn't super sick, just very very tired and could feel it coming. Saturday and Sunday I basically slept...but still didn't think of it much because I could handle it (with over 12 hours of sleep/night). In Korea, they go to the doctor for EVERYTHING so every time it's suggested to me I kind of brush it off. I think in America we're pretty against the doctor because it often costs us a lot of money. Anyways, Monday was pretty bad and I was definitely sick at that point. Tuesday morning my boss had to take my co worker to the doctor because she had been puking for 4 days straight at that point (that day made 5) and his wife noticed I was still sick so suggested I also go to the doctor. At this point I was still convinced that it was a nothing cold so I said no. It progressed so rapidly throughout the day I was so convinced I would be dead by 9:05 (when I get off work). So, around 7 or 8 I begged my boss to take me to the doctor. He told me, "Okay, I'll take you tomorrow" And I was pissed so I said, ""Fine. I'll just go by myself then" I didn't, I ended up just going home. But this is how I went home: my last class is off studying for their school exams so I technically have no last class. BUT my boss and his wife don't like me having 50 minutes less of work a day, so they come up with stupid things for me to do that are not part of teaching. So I just started to leave without saying anything and my boss started to call me back when I gave him the glare of death and he let me go home...but I did have to kind of get it out of him. SO Wednesday (sorry, this is not the short version) I was really sick, like.....really. I get to work and ask him to take me to the doctor and he says, "Now? Ummmm.....pause.....all the doctors are on lunch break" He says this all without looking up from his computer (he has a habit of dirty chatting with women) and I stand there and say, "Um, seriously?" "Yeah, it's lunch time" So no doctor. He said he would take me the next day. My friend, I am not lying when I say to you that in no way should I have been working nonetheless working with CHILDREN. I was a mess. I couldn't focus, I was constantly blowing my nose, I looked as if I'd been crying all night and that day, it was really awful. I should have just taken a sick day....but we don't get sick days. in we don't get them. I basically let most of my classes play games and then finally when i had one class left I stood in his office (my eyes barely open because they were swollen) and said, "Tobin, you have to do something, your medicine is doing nothing and I am really sick. Please." And he ignored me. Until he was ready to talk. He basically talked to all the students that came into his office after me and left the office. He came back to find me still there so he said, "Ok, so you're sick. Go to any hospital you want and I'll just pay you back tomorrow" He wanted me to go alone to a hospital that doesn't speak English. So...I tried to contact Korean friends but it was kinda late and he didn't tel me where any hospitals were. I look back and think I should have asked but I was so sick...I just left and fell asleep with my phone in my hand trying to find someone to go with me. He woke me up later and yelled at me for not going but I didn't really care I just went back to sleep. The next morning I made sure to ask him to take me to the hospital BEFORE the magical doctors only lunch hour. I called him at 11:45 am and he said he would come pick me up then called me 5 minutes later and told me to come to the office. So I got there and then he told me we couldn't leave until 12:30 and I was so angry so I responded a little in anger and said, 'Then WHY did you tell me to come now?" Him: "It slipped my mind" I just laid back and closed my eyes in frustration and he said, "Why are you so grouchy" I couldn't take it anymore Shannon, he had been putting off taking me to the doctor and was acting like an ass so I yelled, "I'm grouchy because I'm (held back fucking here) sick and you keep making me work when you can clearly SEE I am sick" He FLIPS OUT And screams"(something in Korean) I didn't give you that cold, you could have gone to the hospital days ago...blah (he yelled for a while)" "Well, I ASKED you again to take me to the doctor and you said they were all on lunch AT THE SAME TIME!" So he storms off to throw some things around before coming back and saying, 'Fine, we'll go NOW" and as we are walking out the elevator he feels the need to add, "Jesus Christ, you are fucking piss me off" That's the whole story. I could only add that the doctor is dumb and all he did was take my temp and ask how many days of do nothing pills I wanted. I'm sorry the story was so long...but I am so angry. It's not just my story, either. My co worker who has been puking for 5 days straight got barely any treatment at the doctor either and my boss is just worried she won't have enough energy to work (his words, not my assumption). He doesn't care that we're sick, he cares if we can work or not BUT we cannot take a sick day. Those are not allowed. It just really struck me how childish, selfish, and prideful my boss is. I knew he was before, but I must have was just really awful to have to deal with someone that honestly has no care for anyone else.That’s the long version of the story, but that’s the whole story. I was LIVID at him for days and still have very little respect for him based on how he treats his employees and own wife. My Korean is coming along nicely. I now have two tutors and they are wonderful! I have a crush on one of them because he’s so kind, gentle, patient, and just really cute. Apparently they say men that look like him have soft faces. He also looks like a guy from my favorite Korean drama so that helps. I go to California in 4 weeks and I am really excited! I get to be a maid of honor, see my best friend, and see OTHER friends I haven’t seen in 8 months!! I also get to experience America again, but I’m not sure I’m all that excited about that particular aspect. I am starting to look for jobs in Japan and getting excited about moving to Tokyo. It’s going to be a completely different experience and I’m hoping I can do language school while I’m there too. It would be perfect for me to learn Japanese in Japan and be able to use that while applying to grad school. I’ve been loving my classes for the past two months and have gotten to the point where I really enjoy teaching. I love where I’m at right now in life and hope that continues! I also hope the weather will make up it’s mind here, it’s been hot then cold, warm then cold, and so on for few weeks now. I just want summer, please.

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