Saturday, May 9, 2009

Sherbert fingers and happiness

Last weekend was absolutely beautiful weather. Because of this, I decided to go to one of the few attractions my city has called Independence Hall. It's this really awesome museum about Korean independence that is surrounded by a beautiful park area. While I was there, I stumbled upon this Korean group dressed in their traditional Korean clothes doing a drum/dance thing that was really cool to watch and reminded me of all the festivals at home with street performers. It made it feel like the beginning of summer :). I was the ONLY foreigner there though, so that got me a lot of stares. I usually don't notice the stares but I was by myself so it became really obvious. I feel like so far this entry is being written in really short choppy sentences, kind of like emo kids that write blogs like this:
"went the park.
you were there.
and I smiled."
Those sort of entries always irritated me just a little but since they're so vague and I'm not really sure what they're trying to say...anyways. ALSO while I was at Independence Hall, I got ice cream. Yes, I am still addicted to ice cream. AND they have this super cool ice cream here that has ice cream on the top and apple sherbert on the bottom! It's like two ice creams in one! Because of all the excitement over two ice creams I didn't think about a spoon. Also, the way the ice cream is, it looks like an ice cream cone in a plastic cup so you can lick it. So I'm wandering around this beautiful park, looking at the Mound of Reunification when I decide I want the sherbert and I'm sick of the ice cream...and realize I have no spoon. Me being the resourceful woman I am, I think, "I will use my fingers." So I scrape off the top part of ice cream onto the grass and start digging out the sherbert with my fingers. There was no one else around, so I didn't feel rude or weird, it was just me and the reunification mound. When I finished, I felt pretty satisfied with myself being able to eat the sherbert despite not having a spoon when I gave the cup a little shake. I heard a tapping coming from the bottom, noticed you could remove the bottom, and found a spoon. AWESOME. I hoped at that moment no Koreans had seen me using my fingers because they probably would have thought I was disgusting. And I felt like an idiot.
Just think, that is one story out of hundreds of situations that I regularly find myself in. Without sarcasm, I honestly and truly LOVE MY LIFE! I live a good one, no matter how many awkward times I tend to get into. :)
AND I can't forget to mention, my best friend is pregnant again! For some reason, knowing that she has the opportunity to raise another beautiful child fills my heart with happiness. I am truly happy for her and her family.

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