Friday, November 13, 2009

Desiring justification

Oh goodness, the journey continues. And so far, Japan wins for the CRAZIEST journey. I got fired. Yes, I know...shocking. I don't get fired, I don't even get verbal warnings. I do my job and for my whole life I have always done whatever job I had well. This time I made the mistake of trusting an absolutely crazy man with my job security. It obviously failed. I'm not going to go into detail about all that happened or try and explain it at all, really. I just want to say, I know that I did my best for that man and his family and have to accept that some people's poor management skill will lead to their own dissatisfaction. The only few good things that came out of it were meeting a new friend who also worked for him (and also got fired at the same time), once I stopped working for him I could have a life again, job hunt WAY more, see my friends more often, explore Tokyo, experience Japan in a real way and not just from his bitter, cynical viewpoint. The freedom was amazing.
I had been struggling with the decision to quit my nanny job for a couple weeks, (and yes, I only worked there 3 weeks), and felt huge relief when he asked me to leave. It was scary because I didn't know what I would do next, but I knew anything was better than staying in that house with him. I know for sure I never would have left that house unless I had found a full time teaching position. I would have stayed unhappy so it didn't look like I was quitting. Although, through it all I couldn't help but feel the universe had cheated me. It had tricked me into thinking I was getting a good transition job and it ended being a worse experience than my Korean boss. Even now I feel like my past two jobs deserve some sort of justification, something to make up for what I had to go through, (and yes I realize it could have been worse. But most things in life could be worse, that doesn't mean I have to be unhappy and just accept it).
NOW I live in Urawa at a hostel type place where I teach for housing. It's actually a convenient location, chill people, relaxed teaching, and overall, not a bad gig post crazy-man. Honestly, this whole experience up to now has taught me more about trusting God has me in His hands than anything else. I'm in the process of 4 interviews and a pre-screen for one school in the Tokyo area. I'm hoping at least one of these leads to an actual job and I am still applying for more jobs. And honestly, all of these things opened up AFTER I left his house. I really don't think I was supposed to be there to begin with and should have left when I had the feeling that was the wrong place for me. I'm extremely confident that something in or around Tokyo WILL work out, but as often happen with me, it will be last minute and slightly stressful.
I love being in Tokyo. Exploring, learning the language, meeting people, spending time with people I already know here; it all makes me feel SO HAPPY again. I climbed Mt. Takao the other day and met two Japanese guys. They climbed the mountain with me and my friend and then went out to eat/drink with us afterward. They were so much fun and taught us some Japanese while we taught them some English. Recently, me and my friend accidentally took the wrong train home and ended up at Tokyo station. Neither of us has any idea how it happened and it was too late to get another train back home. While stuck in Tokyo, we met a Brazilian guy and his Japanese girlfriend who could both speak fluent English. They helped us and seemed like super chill people to hang out with. It's encounters like those that make me want to stay here so bad. Just chance meetings with people that make the experience so much better.
So I am hoping and praying the hard work of applying, interviewing and networking all pays off and I can stay here. SO hoping and praying. Because for the first time in awhile, I am happy and feel joy on a daily basis.

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