Monday, April 19, 2010

new apartment

I finally have my own apartment. :) And while it is definitely awesome, getting here has been prety frustrating.
For one, I don't speak Japanese. I realize that if I didn't speak English in America getting an apartment would be JUST as difficult since most companies don't sponsor you like they do in Korea. Well, I experienced this difficulty firsthand and had to rely on the kindness of people I've met here to help me out. THANK GOD I have met some amazingly kind people or I would have never gotten any of my utilities turned on OR gotten moved in at a decent speed. I also would be without a heater. BIG difference between Japan and other places I've lived is there is no built in heating system here and it seems like the apartment absorbs cold. It is ridiculous how much colder it is in here compared to outside. In the summer this might be awesome, but on the brink of spring (it just snowed this past weekend. Vomit.) it is not awesome.
Some highlights of the move have been:
*finding a great sayonara sale where I got a bed, washing machine, shelves, and basically everything I need for my kitchen for free. The first 3 things were not free but ridiculously cheap.
*discovering the great people in my life that will help me when I need it.
*re-discovering how great my boyfriend is when he comes to surprise me and help me with my apartment.
*NOT completely melting down when faced with a challenge like moving into an apartment in Japan even though the real estate company is slightly prejudice against me due to my predecessor.
Life has been good lately...even if the weather can't decide if winter or spring is coming.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Why Japan is great: Part 1

It's always been difficult for me to express why I like Japan more than Korea, but I think I may have discovered my reason today. In Korea, I experience some of the culture but I wasn't really an active member in it as much as I was trying to not offend as many people as possible. In Japan, I get to take part in their culture through different ceremonies and my boss takes an active interest in explaining Japanese culture to me, which I truly appreciate. I often feel overwhelmingly lucky to have found this job, with these people, at this time, in this country. Everything worked out so well and I can't help but think God helped me out with this one.
All of this prompted by a ceremony I have tomorrow that inducts new students into my school. I'm not excited, per say, but I do enjoy seeing ceremonies like this because we don't really do them in America. We do graduation. The end. These ceremonies are a different thing for me and interesting to take part in. Kind of like making mochi. Something that you like to experience but maybe not do often.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Time for something fresh

I am waiting. After I got my hanko, registered myself at City Hall, filled out loads of paperwork, and sat at the real estate office, I got assigned to wait until the 13th to go pick up my key. Unfortunately, my boss will be out of town then so he informed me that on the 13th I need to find a Japanese speaker to go with me to the real estate office to pick up the key. I'm sure I can find someone, but I always hate to feel like I'm inconveniencing someone with such an un-fun task. I also need to find a Japanese speaker that can call and arrange for them to turn on my gas. I'm going to need that soon after moving in, so maybe I can just get one person to do this all in one day? I hope I can! This whole not speaking much Japanese thing is becoming quite the issue. And even though it is frustrating to do this whole process through a translator, it's liberating to know my boss doesn't OWN the apartment, it is mine separate from him or my school. So different from Korea!
Another thing that is becoming quite the issue is me feeling like I am hitting life WAY below my potential level. Everyday I come across things that challenge me in unique ways, force me to learn something, and help me see the world from a different perspective, but it's not enough. It doesn't push me to THINK, to really explore my knowledge bank, to work with others to come up with an innovative solution. I feel so underused. There are parts of my life that are so extremely satisfying right now it's blissful, but there are other parts that are really frustrating me. I realize this is a HUGE sign to change so I'm taking measures to do just that. It's spring, so it's time for a fresh start! The issue with this is, I want the blissful parts to stay blissful and just make the frustrating parts change! Balancing life can be really challenging!
The cherry blossoms have bloomed! Since then, it has been sunny for one day and pretty rainy and gross for most other days. Usually in Japan, they have picnics in parks and look at the cherry blossoms. But as my boss said today, they just pretend to look at the cherry blossoms and actually just look at their food. My boss says funny things without meaning to and she is honestly one of the best bosses I have ever had. She's always trying to give me advice for my future and mentor me just like she does all her students. She is a natural teacher. I'm so thankful for my employers.