Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Why Japan is great: Part 1

It's always been difficult for me to express why I like Japan more than Korea, but I think I may have discovered my reason today. In Korea, I experience some of the culture but I wasn't really an active member in it as much as I was trying to not offend as many people as possible. In Japan, I get to take part in their culture through different ceremonies and my boss takes an active interest in explaining Japanese culture to me, which I truly appreciate. I often feel overwhelmingly lucky to have found this job, with these people, at this time, in this country. Everything worked out so well and I can't help but think God helped me out with this one.
All of this prompted by a ceremony I have tomorrow that inducts new students into my school. I'm not excited, per say, but I do enjoy seeing ceremonies like this because we don't really do them in America. We do graduation. The end. These ceremonies are a different thing for me and interesting to take part in. Kind of like making mochi. Something that you like to experience but maybe not do often.

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