Wednesday, January 26, 2011

I am boring.

This blog came out of my interest in studying for the GRE math section. Clearly my interest was basically zero since I got as far as googling study guides, downloading one, reading one paragraph, and deciding to update my blog instead. Yes, I am definitely ready to go back to school.

In way more exciting news, I have decided as of today I am a boring person. I realize in reality this is a harsh statement so I'll reword it to: I am going through a boring rut. I think the rut has a lot of roots. The roots don't matter as much as how I'm going to get out of the rut. This is always difficult because if you feel like you are boring, you want to do something drastically exciting and interesting. The problem with this is that according to WHOM are you going to measure the excitement and interest?! Issues, issues. My mind still hasn't fully gotten around the whole boring situation so no solution has been reached. All I know is on Sunday I'm getting bangs. Or a fringe. Depends where you're from.

I stepped on my hamster today. It felt like I really squished him, but he didn't squeak, bleed, or walk funny afterward and he still tried to have sex with my girl hamster shortly after so I think he's okay. It made me feel so bad. If I step on my hamster does this mean bad news for any future babies? I know it's a dramatic and stupid thought, but I won't lie and say it didn't cross my mind.

I realize that anyone who reads this will find my writing is disorganized and grammatically messy. Beyond that, it sounds immature and naive. My only excuse is that this place is where I put all the thoughts that are falling out of my brain which must mean all the amazing, intelligent thoughts stay inside.

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