Sunday, August 5, 2012

Babt Steps

This week has been a little crazy. I write this knowing full well every week will be a little crazy. The person who was training me on how to do my job left for R&R and I was left with the task of doing my job...which I honestly felt very confused about. I don't fault the person who left, though, since they definitely deserved to take their R&R.Slowly I am understanding how to do what I need to do but it is slow. I'm not the most patient person, especially when it comes to myself, so it's kind of sucked. If I can be blunt and not eloquent.

I'm the kind of person who really likes to know what's expected of them and then do my best to meet or exceed expectation. Here...I don't have a clear idea of expectations. I am a firm believer that disappointment comes form unmet expectations and I really hate to be a disappointment. It's even more tricky because the person who may be considered my supervisor, also left for R&R. I think these next two weeks (that's how long R&R is) will be about me understanding where I am and how things work. SO much unknown! I know a lot of it will be me jumping in, asking tons and tons of questions, and making mistakes. Even though I have "making mistakes" as part of my blog title, I hate to do it. It's part of life though, I should embrace it. :)

I haven't been able to have much interaction with the community this week since I've been pretty absorbed with figuring things out so I don't have many stories. I did try and watch a birth but that didn't work out. It was her first baby so the delivery took longer and she didn't end up delivering until around 2 am...and I was asleep by then. I will see one soon, though!

I taught one of the new midwives how to play angry birds on my phone and they loved it! That was funny to see. The area I'm in loves their pigs and is known for raising them. The game is all about killing pigs and it was pretty funny to see this guy playing the game and saying, "ugh, the pig won't die! I gotta kill this pig!" That's kinda how I feel every time we are driving and a tiny pig just casually saunters in front of our car and we have to wait for it or find a way around. Those pigs are annoying. I know it sounds easy to just go around the pig but it's really not. Especially if it's rained recently, the roads are nearly impossible and going around a pig can mean getting stuck. Not. Cool. Pig.

I met all our cooks recently and they kept asking me where my husband was. I told them multiple times that I didn't have one but they couldn't accept this answer. They decided they were probably using the wrong word and started asking me where my father was, I told them he was in America and this made sense to them. I still can't decide if they think I'm married or not. I should learn more Arabic and figure it out.

This week I'm going to try and go see a food distribution. I've never seen one before and am really curious how it works. Hopefully this week all the baby steps towards understanding my job add up!


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Oh pigs :) The cultural learning never ends. You can do it! You're smart! You've got all kinds of interesting opportunities there. If you want you can come see my birth ;) - MichelleMac