Thursday, August 9, 2012

Lesson's Learned

There are so many lessons for me to learn here. Just starting out, it's really hard to tell what is normal and what is not. It's even more difficult when people are looking to you with help in making decisions.

One thing that has been really difficult is getting accurate information. Classic example: Someone calls me to tell me they have a certain thing I had requested to come to my town. They literally say they have this thing in their hands. Great. Their co worker calls back and asks ME how much it weighs (so they can record how much weight is on the plane). I obviously don't know and ask why they didn't weigh it. Apparently, it is already at the airport. Okay. I get an email the next morning saying the item never got on the plane because it arrived too late. It's confusing that it arrived "too late" because they said it was at the airport. Turns out, this person didn't actually have the item in his hands when they said they did and the item never actually went to the airport. So they said these things....because...??? I am often confused.

Another thing is people here are always trying to get more than you told them they could have. Example: We had given permission for four people from an important partner to ride on our plane back to the capital. They show up, I ask them who will be flying, they give me four names. Awesome. We have nine people total flying out that day so we have nine seats. It comes time to load passengers so everyone gets on...and we are short one seat. Hmmm....someone has more people than they said they were bringing. Turns out this important partner thought they could just have another person fly even though they never told us AND didn't even ask when I asked them who was flying that day. I kicked them off the flight. I was not happy. This is apparently very common, they think they can just demand things and those things will be given. It makes it difficult to feel merciful sometimes.

And then there are the police. I love them because I think their job is so essential. I hate them because you're never really sure they are doing their job. I understand there needs to be laws and punishments for breaking these laws. However, it would be great if everyone actually knew what the punishment should be and for what violation instead of people just making it up. It's really hard to tell if they are just trying to get money for things or are actually enforcing a law. Since I never know, I just kind of avoid dealing with them or try to walk away when I can.

I still haven't seen a birth but really really want to! I'm getting annoyed at being called a kawaja all the time. I wish everyone knew my name so they could call me that.

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