Friday, October 10, 2008

Unisex bathrooms=awesome

I went to my first pool night last night! While I realize that sentence means little to most, I was excited because...I'm not really sure, but I was excited. I guess because you can meet so many foreigners in the area by going to pool night, why wouldn't I be excited to go? While I entirely enjoyed getting my ass kicked by some cruel Canadian (who felt it was his duty to remind me Brett was a Jet. You suck.), the best part of the night was when I had to pee. How awkward is that...the highlight of my night was peeing. But really, it gets better. The toilet was, first of all, a squatty. This means an awesome little white toilet contraption on the floor that you squat over and let loose. I remember when I studied in Russia there would be footprints on the toilet seat and I realized over time that they were from people squatting over the toilet to poo. I guess squatting helps...a Kenyan friend of mine told me the same thing. But I digress. So it's a squatty AND it's UNISEX! There are two stalls and also two urinals. I didn't really think to lock the main door, and just grabbed a stall and went for it. I must have had more to drink than I thought because I just wouldn't stop peeing. And you ALL need to know this. But it was like limbo central in that stall. I was trying to balance so I could keep my pants dry and still get everything in the this too graphic? Whatever. It was an interesting experience and I kept laughing. By myself. In the squatty. Awesome. THEN I hear the door open and a guy stop, not go into a stall, but stop at a urinal. I was done and kind of tentatively opened my door and then said, "Um, I guess I'll just wait for you to be done" and his reply was, "Oh, ok, well there't not much to see anyways" And while this should have been awkward for me, I was thoroughly amused. Then I blew my nose and made the genius comment of, "Are you ever amazed at how much snot can fit in your nose?" Are you supposed to talk to people in the bathroom? I mean, are girls supposed to talk to guys? I don't know. He said he had never really thought about it. Yeah. It was a great experience. So my first encounter with this man was him peeing on the other side of my stall. Fantastical. Not too awkward, but I still thought it was kinda funny...but I guess everything makes me laugh.
I think I am starting to like it here. Mostly because I love the other foreigners here and because today when I was walking to work I had this thought, "I live in another country." And my heart soared, I was so happy. It's the obvious little things that usually get me, I am easy to please. Also, men on motorcycles sometimes make me swoon.
I think I will also soon be getting my life in order! I'm happy about this since that will mean I will find a church, start running, and organize my dump of an apartment (a dump because right now I have just dumped everything in it). I need to put up pictures round the ment as well. Can you shorten apartment to ment? I don't know, but I'm going to. I'm an english teacher, I can make up words if I want.

1 comment:

HeatherR said...

bahahahahahahahahahaaaa! oh my goodness. ok so i'm sitting here on my couch, sick as a dog, and miserable as all hell, and then i read this, and just laugh and laugh and laugh. ashley, your tellings fill my heart and soul with joy- cliche or not- its true!